Animal Control-Wildlife, Inc.


Serving Galveston
the Entire Houston



Critter Control in Baytown: Wildlife Control & Trapping

Animal Control Wildlife Inc

Animal control

Wildlife Animal & Critter Control in Baytown TX: Call Today — 281.399.2666. Our Wildlife Pros Can Remove, Repair & Prevent Wildlife.

**Call for Expert Critter Control in Baytown Today at 281.399.2666** If you need professional wildlife removal in Baytown, trust Animal Control-Wildlife, Inc. Our Baytown wildlife experts specialize in removing, repairing, and preventing critter infestations. We offer **humane trapping and removal services** for bats, squirrels, raccoons, rodents, and other nuisance animals.

Animal Control-Wildlife, Inc. provides **free inspections** and has a reputation for safe, effective, and humane critter control services. Serving the **Greater Baytown and Galveston areas**, our licensed and insured technicians excel in wildlife removal and exclusion services to keep animals from returning to your property. With **fast and reliable service**, we handle everything from single opossums to families of raccoons. For comprehensive wildlife control solutions, contact Animal Control-Wildlife, Inc. today. Wildlife Animal & Critter Control in Baytown TX: Call Today — 281.399.2666.

**Effective Wildlife Inspection: Identify & Resolve

Animal Problems**

 Call for Critter Control in Baytown Today — 281.399.2666. Trust Our Baytown Wildlife Pros to Remove, Repair & Prevent Wildlife. Detect signs of animal activity with our comprehensive wildlife inspection services. Our trained inspectors meticulously examine your property, both inside and out, to pinpoint entry points, droppings, nests, and other indicators of wildlife presence. We accurately identify the type and severity of the infestation, allowing us to craft a customized removal plan tailored to your needs. Gain peace of mind by understanding precisely which critters are causing trouble in your home and learn how to eliminate them safely and effectively.

## Comprehensive Wildlife Inspection Services: Detect and Address Wildlife Issues in Your Home. Our extensive wildlife inspection process ensures a thorough evaluation, targeting animal presence within your home. Expert inspectors meticulously assess the number and location of animals, as well as identify key entry points.

 ### Detailed Inspection Steps: 1. **Interior Assessment**: – Careful examination of areas showing signs of animal activity, including nests, feces, and tracks.

2. **Exterior Evaluation**: – Comprehensive search for potential entry points. – Identification of damage caused by animals. – Detection of tracks, fur, waste, and rub marks. ###

Why Choose Us? – **Expert Inspectors**: Skilled professionals trained to identify and resolve wildlife issues. – **Thorough Process**: Complete interior and exterior examination to ensure no sign of animal intrusion is overlooked. – **Effective Solutions**: Trust us to detect and tackle any wildlife concerns promptly and efficiently. Ensure your home is safe and free from wildlife disruptions. Contact us for a reliable and effective wildlife inspection service today!


**Humane Animal Control Services:
Secure & Safe Methods for Your Residence** Are pesky animals infringing on your living space? We have an extensive process for efficiently removing wildlife that respects the well-being of the animals. Using advanced methods such as specialized animal traps, one-way exits, and deterrents, we ensure wildlife removal is both secure and efficacious. Post the successful and compassionate removal of all animals, we establish preventive measures to hem in any potential invasions. With these enduring strategies, we build protective fortifications that safeguard your residence from problematic wildlife. Depend on our seasoned team for exclusion services, ensuring a serene and wildlife-free habitat.

**Humane Methods for Wildlife Removal: Safe and Efficient Solutions for Households** Struggling with wildlife intrusion? We offer a comprehensive animal removal service using multiple humane methods, tailored to suit your unique circumstances. Our specialized techniques include animal trapping, one-way exit devices, and deterring agents to guarantee safe and successful wildlife eviction. Post removal, we adopt prevention methods that secure your property from future invasions. These enduring prevention measures act as a fortress that guards your home against unwanted wildlife disturbances. Rely on our expert exclusion services to offer you peace of mind within a secure and wildlife-free habitat.

Raccoon Inspection and Removal

New Caney

Facing a Raccoon Infestation? We Can Help!
Raccoons wreaking havoc in your Baytown, TX home? Don’t wait! Our expert wildlife removal service specializes in safe and humane raccoon removal, keeping your family and property

Our Proven Raccoon Removal Process:
1.Detailed Inspection:

  • Expert Evidence Detection: We identify raccoon activity through droppings, footprints, and damaged insulation, ensuring a thorough assessment.
  • Meticulous Exterior Examination: Our professionals meticulously inspect your home’s exterior for potential entry points like damaged vents, soffits, shingles, and siding scratches, preventing future infestations.
  • Infestation Severity Assessment: Based on the evidence, we determine the severity of the problem and create a customized removal plan that’s safe and efficient.

2.Humane Raccoon Removal Options:

  • Live Trapping (Preferred Method): We strategically place traps for safe capture, adhering to all state regulations for frequent trap checks.
  • One-Way Doors (Dens): Established dens can be addressed with one-way doors that allow raccoons to leave but prevent re-entry.
  • Direct Capture (Limited Use): In rare cases, direct capture may be necessary. However, due to rabies risk, this is always a last resort.

3.Complete Restoration Services:

  • Repair Services: We repair damage caused by raccoons, such as broken screens, vents, soffits, and decks, restoring your home.
  • Cleaning and Sanitization: We thoroughly clean and sanitize affected areas to eliminate lingering odors and parasites, ensuring a fresh and healthy environment.

Baytown Squirrel Removal: Protect Your Home From Rodent Rampage

Don’t Let Squirrels Take Over Your Baytown Home! Call Us Today!
Squirrels might be cute from afar, but their playful chewing can wreak havoc on your Baytown property. They’ll chew through roofs, vents, and even electrical wires, leading to expensive
repairs and safety hazards. 

Spot the Signs of a Squirrel Infestation:

  • Chew Marks: Look for evidence of chewing on siding, soffits, fascia boards, or near potential entry points like vents and chimneys.
  • Droppings & Debris: Small, oval-shaped droppings and nesting materials like leaves and nuts around attic access points or crawl spaces indicate squirrel activity.
  • Strange Noises: Scratching or scampering sounds from your attic or walls are a dead giveaway f uninvited furry residents.
  • Damaged Insulation: Squirrels can tear and shred insulation, reducing your home’s energy efficiency.

Safe & Effective Squirrel Removal in Baytown:
At Animal Control-Wildlife, Inc., we offer a comprehensive solution to remove squirrels humanely and prevent future problems. Here’s how we keep your home safe:

  • Detailed Inspection: Our trained wildlife specialists thoroughly inspect your property to identify entry points and assess the infestation’s severity.
  • Humane Trapping: We strategically place live traps to capture squirrels without harm.
  • One-Way Door Exclusion: For established dens, we may install one-way doors that allow squirrels to leave but block their re-entry.
  • Squirrel-Proofing: Once the squirrels are gone, we seal all entry points to prevent future infestations.
  • Cleanup & Restoration: We remove any debris left behind and clean and sanitize affected areas.

Baytown Rodent Removal: Eliminate Rats & Mice Fast


Don’t Let Rodents Ruin Your Baytown Property! Get a Free Quote Today!
Unwanted rats and mice turning your Baytown home or business into a nightmare? These persistent pests can quickly cause serious problems:

  • Contaminated Food & Disease: Their droppings and urine spread diseases and contaminate food sources.
  • Structural Damage: Their constant gnawing destroys electrical wiring, insulation, and even uilding materials.
  • Rapid Reproduction: A single female mouse can have dozens of offspring in a short time, leading to a full-blown infestation.

Safe & Effective Rodent Removal in Baytown:

At Animal Control-Wildlife, Inc. we offer a proven rodent control process to eliminate rats and 

mice quickly and effectively:

  • Detailed Inspection: Our experienced inspectors meticulously examine your entire Baytown property, inside and out, to identify entry points and signs of rodent activity.
  • Strategic Trapping: We use a combination of safe and humane trapping methods, including snap traps and live traps, to capture rodents efficiently.
  • Exclusion Techniques: Once the rodents are gone, we seal all potential entry points to prevent future infestations. This may involve caulking cracks, capping chimneys, and installing mesh barriers around your property.
  • Optional Ongoing Maintenance: We recommend a customized maintenance plan to ensure long-term rodent prevention and peace of mind.

Baytown Bat Removal: Safe & Guaranteed Solutions

Bat Removal Baytown TX

Protect Your Home & Health: Get Baytown’s Trusted Bat Removal Experts!
Worried bats might be roosting in your Baytown home? While bats benefit the environment outdoors, their presence inside can be a health hazard. Bat droppings (guano) can harbor Histoplasmosis, a serious lung disease. Additionally, bat activity leads to unwanted odors and property damage.

Identify a Bat Infestation Quickly:

  • Nighttime Noises: Screeching or scratching sounds in your attic or walls at night indicate bats coming and going.
  • Strong Ammonia Odor: Bat guano has a distinct smell, especially noticeable in enclosed spaces like attics.
  • Visible Droppings: Look for small, dark droppings near potential entry points like eaves, chimneys, or soffits.
  • Bats Themselves: Seeing bats flying in or out confirms an infestation.

Safe & Effective Bat Removal Services in Baytown:
At Animal Control-Wildlife, Inc. we’re Baytown’s leading bat removal specialists. We prioritize safe and humane solutions to protect both your home and the bats. Here’s what we offer:

  • Detailed Inspection: Our trained technicians meticulously inspect your Baytown property to identify bat entry points and assess the infestation’s severity.
  • Humane Bat Exclusion: We use bat valves (one-way doors) that allow bats to leave your home but prevent them from re-entering. This protects both bats and your family.
  • Guaranteed Bat Removal: We ensure all bats have safely exited before sealing entry points for lasting prevention.
  • Optional Guano Cleanup & Attic Restoration: We offer professional cleaning services to remove bat guano and potentially contaminated insulation, restoring your attic to a safe and healthy environment.

Baytown Bird Control: Stop Feathered Frustrations & Property Damage

Don’t Let Birds Take Over Your Baytown Property! Call Us Today!
Beautiful as they may be, birds can quickly become a nuisance for Baytown residents and business owners. From woodpecker damage to unwanted droppings and even aggressive behavior, birds can cause a variety of problems. Here in Baytown, common concerns include:

  • Woodpecker Damage: Their persistent drilling can damage siding, soffits, and even roofs.
  • Messy Droppings: Bird droppings are unsightly and can harbor diseases, attracting other pests.
  • Aggressive Birds: Nesting birds may become defensive and attack people or pets who get too close.
  • Parasitic Mites: Birds can carry mites on their feathers, leading to bites and irritation in your home.

Baytown Skunk Removal: Eliminate Pesky Odor & Rabies Risk

animal wlidlife

Don’t Let Skunks Stink Up Your Baytown Property! Call Us Today!
persistent skunk odor wreaking havoc on your Baytown home? Beyond the smell, skunks pose a serious health risk as primary carriers of rabies in Texas. These black and white critters not only spray a potent odor, but they also dig up lawns and landscaping searching for grubs and

Protect Your Home & Family from Skunks with Our Baytown Removal Services:

Comprehensive Skunk Inspection: Our trained professionals perform a thorough inspection to:

  • Detect Skunk Odor: Trained technicians identify the tell-tale skunk smell, pinpointing their presence.
  • Evaluate Your Property: We meticulously inspect your landscaping for signs of digging, a key indicator of skunk activity.
  • Locate Dens and Burrowing: We examine your foundation perimeter and under decks to locate potential skunk hiding spots.
  • Safe Skunk Removal: Leave skunk removal to the experts! We use humane methods:
  • Live Traps or One-Way Doors: We safely remove skunks from your property using live traps or one-way exclusion devices.
  • Disease Prevention: Our technicians prioritize safety, wearing protective gear to avoid skunk spray and potential diseases like rabies.

Effective Skunk Control: Keep skunks away for good:

  • Exclusion Techniques: We seal foundation gaps, repair and screen vents, and install barriers around vulnerable areas to prevent future access.
  • Habitat Modification: We recommend strategies to make your property less attractive to skunks, like securing trash cans and keeping pet food indoors.

Baytown TX Mole Removal

Moles can be a nuisance in your yard, creating unsightly mounds and tunnel systems underground. If you are dealing with mole infestation, it’s best to seek professional help for effective mole removal. A Critter Control expert in Baytown will have the expertise and equipment needed to trap and remove moles from your property. 

Trapping moles can be a challenging task due to their intricate tunnel systems and elusive nature. At Varmit Busters our Baytown Critter Control experts are experienced in locating the main “travel” tunnels used by moles and strategically placing traps to capture them. With their knowledge and skills, they can effectively remove moles from your yard and prevent further damage.

Stinging Insect Control
**Pest Control for Stinging Insects** Effectively managing stinging insects is vital for preserving a secure outdoor space. Whether you’re battling with wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, cicada killers, or different types of bees, including European honeybees, bumblebees, Africanized bees, and ground bees found in Baytown, it’s essential to tackle the issue swiftly and effectively. The key to avoiding future infestations is to secretly remove the stinging insect and extinguish the nest or hive. While most bees only attack when their hive is under threat, Africanized bees, colloquially known as killer bees, are notably aggressive and may assault without any provocation. Hence, dealing with bee infestations requires careful strategies to dodge potential injuries.

Houston Snake Removal Services

Houston Snake Removal Services: Our highly skilled team specializes in safe, efficient, and professional snake removal in Baytown, Texas. We fully comprehend the risks associated with venomous snakes and have the expertise and equipment to handle them safely. 

We advise against attempting to remove snakes on your own as it can lead to injuries. Our proficient experts are trained to correctly identify various snake species and apply suitable removal methods. We always prioritize your safety and the snake’s well-being, ensuring a compassionate relocation process. With us, you’re assured of effective snake removal from your premises. Don’t compromise your safety in face of a snake encounter. Reach out to us straight away for professional snake removal services in Baytown, Texas. You can count on our swift response and expert handling to bring you tranquility in these potentially threatening situations.

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Bat Control and Removal Services

Bat Removal Porter | Bat Control and Removal Services

Bats in your attic? Don’t wait for them to cause disease or unwanted smells. Contact our Porter Bat Removal Experts and Request a Free Quote! Whether you have a single bat or a small colony in your home, Animal Control-Wildlife is here to help. Bats in Porter often prefer hiding in hard to reach places, often in attics and are difficult to handle once caught. We can remove the bats in a humane manner so they can be safety returned to the wild. After the problem is addressed, we can animal proof your home or business in Porter to prevent future problems from occurring.

Here's some interesting information about bats!

• Mammals, not birds: Bats in Porter are the only mammals with true flight. Their wings are formed by a thin membrane of skin stretching between their elongated fingers and body. Bat infestations are not unusual, and, like other pest control issues are the responsibility of the home or property owner. BARC and other City of Porter
• Echolocation masters: Unlike birds in Porter that rely on sight, bats navigate and hunt using echolocation. They emit high-frequency squeaks and interpret the echoes bouncing off objects to form a “picture” of their surroundings.
• Incredibly diverse: There are over 1,400 species of bats worldwide, making up about one-quarter of all mammal species! They range in size from the tiny Kitti’s hog-nosed bat, weighing less than a penny, to the giant flying foxes with wingspans of up to 6 feet.
• Mostly insectivores: The majority of bats in Porter are insectivores consuming vast quantities of insects each night. This helps control insect populations and reduces the need for pesticides.
• Pollinators and seed dispersers: Some bat species play a vital role in plant pollination, similar to bees and hummingbirds. Others help disperse seeds by eating fruit and dropping the seeds in new areas as they fly.
• Hibernation experts: In colder climates, bats hibernate during winter months to conserve energy. They lower their body temperature and heart rate, living off fat reserves stored during warmer months.
• Guano power: Bat guano, their droppings, is a rich source of nitrogen and other nutrients. It was once a valuable fertilizer and is still used in organic gardening today.
• Facing threats: Unfortunately, bat populations in Porter are facing threats like habitat loss, pesticide use, and white-nose syndrome, a deadly fungal disease. Conservation efforts are underway to protect these fascinating creatures.

Most common type of bats

While there’s no single “most common” type of bat globally, due to the vast diversity of bat species, there are two main groups that dominate in terms of population numbers:
• Microchiroptera (Micro bats): This suborder makes up the vast majority of bat species, estimated at around 80% of all bats. They are typically smaller in size, known for their echolocation abilities, and primarily insectivores. Common examples include:
o Myotis bats (Mouse-eared bats): This is a very diverse genus with hundreds of species worldwide, found in a variety of habitats.
o Vespertilionidae (Vesper bats): Another large and widespread family with insectivorous bats. The common pipistrelle bat (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) found in Europe is an example.
o Molossidae (Free-tailed bats): This family includes some of the fastest flying bats, with species like the Mexican free-tailed bat (Tadarida brasiliensis) found in North America.

• Megachiroptera (Megabats): This suborder, also known as fruit bats or flying foxes, makes up the remaining 20% of bat species. They are generally larger than microbats, with poor eyesight relying more on smell and echolocation for navigation. Most are frugivorous, feeding on fruits and nectar. Common examples include:
o Pteropodidae (Old World fruit bats): This family includes the giant flying foxes, the largest bats by wingspan, found in Africa, Asia, and Australia.
o Cynopteridae (Old World fruit bats): Another diverse family with fruit-eating bats in Africa and Asia.
So, depending on your location, the most common type of bat you’d encounter would likely be a microbat species like a Myotis bat or a free-tailed bat. However, megabats are also quite successful and numerous in their specific ecological niches.

So, depending on your location, the most common type of bat you’d encounter would likely be a microbat species like a Myotis bat or a free-tailed bat. However, megabats are also quite successful and numerous in their specific ecological niches.

We service the entire Porter metro area, including:

The towns of Aldine, Bellaire, Friendswood, Hedwig Village, Jersey Village, Katy, League City, City of Porter, TX covers 4 Zip Codes 77520 Zip Code 77521 Zip Code 77522 Zip Code 77523 Zip Code 5 Cities within 15 Miles of the City of Porter, TX Channelview ,TX Highlands ,TX La Porte ,TX Mont Belvieu ,TX Wallisville ,TX Mission Bend, Missouri City, Pearland, Richmond, Rosenberg, Sugar Land, Texas City, Porter, Porter, Porter, The Woodlands, Willowbrook, Kingwood, and Atascocita. If you are unsure about our service range, just give us a call! Most Popular ZIP Code Searches in Texas 77494 77449 78660 77084 77433 79936 77573 79938 75052 78245 77479 78130
If you’d like to learn more about specific aspects of bats in Porter, like their habitat, behavior, or different bat species, let us know!
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Animal Control-Wildlife, Inc.

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Hal started his first animal control business in the mid-70’s doing strictly animal trapping and animal proofing. He received his certification from TEA to teach animal management in the mid 1980’s as part of his animal control business. He sold the business in 1999 but remained active in wildlife work as a trapper of wild hogs, licensed nuisance alligator trapper, and breeder of wallabies. Hal also works with two game ranches, a gator farm and airboat ecological tours in Galveston Bay. In 2009, Hal decided to pursue his interest in an animal control business again by opening Animal Control-Wildlife, Inc.Hal started his first animal control business in the mid-70’s doing strictly animal trapping and animal proofing. He received his certification from TEA to teach animal management in the mid 1980’s as part of his animal control business. He sold the business in 1999 but remained active in wildlife work as a trapper of wild hogs, licensed nuisance alligator trapper, and breeder of wallabies. Hal also works with two game ranches, a gator farm and airboat ecological tours in Galveston Bay. In 2009, Hal decided to pursue his interest in an animal control business again by opening Animal Control-Wildlife, Inc.Hal started his first animal control business in the mid-70’s doing strictly animal trapping and animal proofing. He received his certification from TEA to teach animal management in the mid 1980’s as part of his animal control business. He sold the business in 1999 but remained active in wildlife work as a trapper of wild hogs, licensed nuisance alligator trapper, and breeder of wallabies. Hal also works with two game ranches, a gator farm and airboat ecological tours in Galveston Bay. In 2009, Hal decided to pursue his interest in an animal control business again by opening Animal Control-Wildlife, Inc.Hal started his first animal control business in the mid-70’s doing strictly animal trapping and animal proofing. He received his certification from TEA to teach animal management in the mid 1980’s as part of his animal control business. He sold the business in 1999 but remained active in wildlife work as a trapper of wild hogs, licensed nuisance alligator trapper, and breeder of wallabies. Hal also works with two game ranches, a gator farm and airboat ecological tours in Galveston Bay. In 2009, Hal decided to pursue his interest in an animal control business again by opening Animal Control-Wildlife, Inc.

Houston Snake Removal Services: Our highly skilled team specializes in safe, efficient, and professional snake removal in Baytown, Texas. We fully comprehend the risks associated with venomous snakes and have the expertise and equipment to handle them safely.Houston Snake Removal Services: Our highly skilled team specializes in safe, efficient, and professional snake removal in Baytown, Texas. We fully comprehend the risks associated with venomous snakes and have the expertise and equipment to handle them safely.Houston Snake Removal Services: Our highly skilled team specializes in safe, efficient, and professional snake removal in Baytown, Texas. We fully comprehend the risks associatedHouston Snake Removal Services: Our highly skilled team specializes in safe, efficient, and professional snake removal in Baytown, Texas. We fully comprehend the risks associated with venomous snakes and have the expertise and equipment to handle them safely.Houston Snake Removal Services: Our highly skilled team specializes in safe, efficient, and professional snake removal in Baytown, Texas. We fully comprehend the risks associated with venomous snakes and have the expertise and equipment to handle them safely.Houston Snake Removal Services: Our highly skilled team specializes in safe, efficient, and professional snake removal in Baytown, Texas. We fully comprehend the risks associated with venomous snakes and have the expertise and equipment to handle them safely.Houston Snake Removal Services: Our highly skilled team specializes in safe, efficient, and professional snake removal in Baytown, Texas. We fully comprehend the risks associated with venomous snakes and have the expertise and equipment to handle them safely.Houston Snake Removal Services: Our highly skilled team specializes in safe, efficient, and professional snake removal in Baytown, Texas. We fully comprehend the risks associated with venomous snakes and have the expertise and equipment to handle them safely.Houston Snake Removal Services: Our highly skilled team specializes in safe, efficient, and professional snake removal in Baytown, Texas. We fully comprehend the risks associated with venomous snakes and have the expertise and equipment to handle them safely.Houston Snake Removal Services: Our highly skilled team specializes in safe, efficient, and professional snake removal in Baytown, Texas. We fully comprehend the risks associated with venomous snakes and have the expertise and equipment to handle them safely.Houston Snake Removal Services: Our highly skilled team specializes in safe, efficient, and professional snake removal in Baytown, Texas. We fully comprehend the risks associated with venomous snakes and have the expertise and equipment to handle them safely.Houston Snake Removal Services: Our highly skilled team specializes in safe, efficient, and professional snake removal in Baytown, Texas. We fully comprehend the risks associated with venomous snakes and have the expertise and equipment to handle them safely.Houston Snake Removal Services: Our highly skilled team specializes in safe, efficient, and professional snake removal in Baytown, Texas. We fully comprehend the risks associated with venomous snakes and have the expertise and equipment to handle them safely. 

with venomous snakes and have the expertise and equipment to handle them safely.